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   aolc Photo Gallery     
The Online Photo Gallery
for Original Photos and Photo Hostings
2024年 09月 2024日
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" 平成20年度大会(その1) "
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137 枚の画像が写真館にあります。

You are starting the Slideshow with image number 1 and end with image number 137.
You will view 137 images.
If you want to change the SlideShow-options please scroll down, change the settings you want changed and click onto "CHANGE" at the bottom of this page!
>>> 開始 <<<
各画像を見たい時間(単位:秒)を選択します! 各画像の最小の時間は 2 秒です、最大の時間は 300 秒(5 分)です。
If you insert a number please do not forget to click onto the radiobutton "Select First Image" too, to take the manually selected imagenumber!
  初期画像      ( 1 )    DSC_0012_edited.jpg 
  初期画像の選択        DSC_0012_edited.jpg 
Select the image that will be the last one in the SlideShow.
If you insert a number please do not forget to click onto the radiobutton "Select Last Image" too, to take the manually selected imagenumber!
  最終画像      ( 137 )    DSC_0302_edited.jpg 
  最終画像の選択        DSC_0302_edited.jpg 
Select the direction of the Slideshow. "Forward" means starting with the first image and moving to the last, "Back" means starting with the last image and moving to the first.
   進む  戻る  
Do you want to run the SlideShow just one time and then stop, or do you want the SlideShow to start with the first image after the last again forever? (for example: in a shopwindow,...)
   無限ループ  一度だけ見せる  
Here you select the size the images in the slideshow will have. This option depends on your monitorsettings. For example: if you have 1024x768 and select the images to have 1024 you will see most of the images with the orientation landscape, but you will see only the upper half of all images with orientation portrait!!
     640      800      1024      1600      original
The difference between the two methods is that the META-TAG loads the image complete and than starts the retention time. JavaScript starts the time from the start of the loading process. If your connection is slow or the imagesizes are big and you have JavaScript selected it can happen that the JavaScript starts loading the next image even before the current image is displayed complete!
If JavaScript is disabled in your browser you have to take the META-TAG.
   HTTP-META TAG  JavaScript  
If you made any changes to the the values in this page you have to submit the changes by clicking onto the "CHANGE"-Button before you can start!
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